Common Questions
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription whenever you want.
Can I order a refund of my purchase if I’m not satisfied?
Bad refund policies are irritating. If you’re unhappy with HookSounds within the first 15 days of your purchase, we’ll refund you. Note: this applies for subscriptions only, single licenses not included.
Do I still have the rights to use the music if I cancel my subscription?
The music can only be used if you publish the End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends). You can not download the tracks, cancel the subscription and continue making content with our music.
Am I allowed to use HookSounds Music on behalf of a third-party?
If you want to use our music to create third-party content, you will need a business subscription. Check our business plan here.
How can I use the discount code?
Use the code at checkout to get 25% OFF your subscription. Check our subscriptions options here!
How can I get a Custom track?
Easy. Send us an email to or learn more about custom tracks here
Still can’t find what you’re looking for?
We can help! Ask our customer support team a question.