We all know how it feels to make a phone call and having to be put on hold while listening to some annoying music. In this article, we’ll briefly focus on the music you hear while on hold, which is commonly referred to as on-hold music.

What is Music On Hold?

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On-hold music has traditionally been generic and often unpleasant, with little attention paid to quality. It was originally intended solely to signal that the caller should not hang up. Silence during calls was considered problematic, as it could suggest a disconnected line.

The concept of on-hold music began in the 1960s after the introduction of transatlantic phone cables. Switchboard operators had to ask callers to “please hold,” and Alfred Levy, a factory owner, accidentally discovered the potential for music when his telephone system picked up a neighboring radio broadcast. In 1966, Levy patented a Telephone Hold Program System, recognizing the psychological frustrations of being on hold. He recommended using background music to alleviate the tedious waiting and prevent call abandonment.

Royalty Free on Hold Music on Hold Music for Businesses

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Since then, on-hold music has become essential for many businesses. Companies with call centers often rely on tracks for hold music, but any business that receives client calls should consider incorporating it. On-hold music can improve brand identity, reduce churn, and boost customer retention. It also reassures callers that you’re there and that their wait won’t be long.

While no one enjoys being put on hold and most expect an immediate connection, royalty-free on-hold music can help distract callers and influence their mood positively. We all know how music affects our emotions, and choosing the right track for your on-hold music can create a more pleasant experience for your customers.

Royalty Free on Hold Music

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Today, the easiest way to find royalty free on hold music for a business is to look for it online, and at HookSounds we got you covered. We create tracks that clients and other listeners will definitely enjoy, no matter what the circumstances are. Go ahead and give the tracks a listen, then it’s up to you to decide whether to join the HookSounds community. We can assure you that you won’t regret the experience.

How to Add Royalty Free on Hold Music to a Landline

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This will depend on your phone system. Analog phones usually can’t play on-hold music without the help of an external device. These types of phones use a direct connection to the telephone line outside the building. This is called an “outside line”, “analog line”, or “POTS line” (Plain Old Telephone Service). This would be a residence-type phone line. In this case, you can use an on hold adapter, which will detect when a call is in the “hold state” letting this way audio play.

Then, we have PBX phone systems which are pre-wired to play music on hold. Here, you’ll have to look for an input jack (might be labeled MOH). Try to plug a music source, such as a CD player, into this jack temporarily. Some inputs might need to be programmed by the installer.

How to Set On Hold Music on an iPhone

If you have an iPhone, it’s really easy to set on hold music. You’ll have to go to your Settings, then Phone and go to Call Waiting. There, toggle the switch next to the ‘Play Music’ button, and you can select a song from your music library to play when the phone is on hold. You can also download an app to add this feature to your phone.

How to Set On Hold Music on an Android

To add on hold music to your Android phone, you’ll go to “Settings” and select “Music.” There, you can select the type of music you want to play when you have to take a break or end a call. You can also download an app to add this feature to your phone.